“Tiebreak Quick Tip”

TIEBREAKER QUICK TIP – Credit to Tom Veneziano –
Break in your favor

You have played great tennis and worked your way into a 6-6 tie. A tiebreaker will now determine the set. Wow! Now what? All players have a different spin on how to handle tiebreakers. I’ve always liked Jimmy Connors’s approach. He, like many other top players, would play more aggressive in a tiebreaker scenario.

Playing on the aggressive does not mean constantly attacking the net, but being mentally aggressive with controlled playing. Remember, each point in a tiebreaker is like winning a whole game. You are trying to make things happen and keep your opponent under pressure, but WITHOUT risky play. You can accomplish this in many ways: making sure your first serve is in, attacking the net, speeding up your shots just a little, increasing depth, better ball placement, and making sure you return serve consistently. Do anything you can do to increase the pressure on your opponent!

Controlled aggressive play can be effective in tiebreakers, but I caution you, controlled aggressive play can easily turn into reckless pandemonium. If you find that you are missing often and becoming out of control, back off from your overly aggressive play. Remind yourself that you are attempting to keep pressure on your opponent, but at the same time not go outside your own ability or style.

In this manner you can become much more effective in tiebreakers and increase your percentages of wins.